Spring Cleaning!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Well, we can see that everyone's been busy, busy, busy! :-) With summer vacation officially made its way to RP a few days ago, we're sure that most, if not all of you has been planning that much-deserved break!

In this light, we at bookoto.com also decided to have some kind of spring cleaning to the site and we are hoping that when we come back in a week or so, you will like what you see. :-)

We are expecting new arrivals in the next couple of weeks so watch out for our announcement.

We also have a special message to our dear magazine subscribers to expect your issues, at the latest, on the 3rd week of April. We apologize for the delay but with long weekends and of course, the Easter week we cannot hope an earlier delivery from the Post Office. We of course, are disappointed to cause you any inconvenience but we are also counting on your patience and understanding.

Thank you everyone, for the continued support. We wish you all a heartfelt bonding time with family and friends this coming Holy Week!

A sizzling summer fun to one and all!