New Arrivals!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here's a little cheer while you are enjoying the summer vacation: the most recent issue of Memory Makers Magazine is now available for your immediate shopping pleasure, on

Enjoy great ideas on papercrafting by Kara Ward; "What We're Lovin' Now" by Staci Etheridge, Master '08; Vintage charm—easy ways to try it today; Color Swatch by Crystal Jeffrey Rieger, Master '07; Create your own personalized palette; PageMaps by Becky Fleck and tons of great ideas from the numerous contributors of Memory Makers magazine May/June issue.

Here is the direct link to Memory Maker's Magazine's May/June Issue:

These will be collector's items pretty soon! Here is your chance to collect and complete your very own MMM library, and avail of the sweet, low prices:

Happy shopping. Enjoy your new mags!